As of right now, the situation remains desperate in Japan, with a confirmation coming this morning that the food near Fukushima is now radioactive.
Efforts to cover the spent fuel rods with cooling water have failed again and again, and now there is concern that at least one of the fuel rod storage pools may be cracked, meaning it cannot hold water. Thus, there's no way to cover the fuel rods no matter how much water you pump in (and the pumps aren't even operating yet anyway...)
The official government explanations about radiation exposure in Japan are an insult to intelligence. A few days ago, they would say things like "The amount of radiation people are experiencing is only equal to that of a chest X-ray." Today with the irradiated food, they now are comparing your exposure to "the amount of radiation you might get from a CT scan." What they don't tell you is that a CT scan emits up to 600 times more radiation than a chest X-ray.
What's next on this scale? Are they soon going to announce that people are only exposed to "the same amount of radiation as a miscalibrated mammogram?" And folks, the radiation exposure in Japan isconstant radiation, meaning it's like getting a CT scan that just keeps scanning 24/7 (if you're close enough to the Fukushima plant). This isn't one limited dose that turns off in two seconds, it's an ongoing radiation avalanche that keeps coming.
The mainstream media has all but abandoned accurate reporting on this issue, almost as if they were all ordered by the White House to just stop talking about Fukushima (because it was scaring people). Here's my story on that:
There now appears to be a total information blackout on the true status of reactor #4, reports Ethan Huff:
A Japanese Mayor has gone public with his own accusations that the Japanese government abandoned his people and lied to them about the real situation:
Mark Sircus brings us a timely update today on the worsening situation in Tokyo:
And just to make your week even more exciting, there is apparently a major earthquake predicted in the coming week due to the "supermoon" effect, although personally I'm not sure I believe the supermoon will have any ability to make things any crazier than they are already:
PREPAREDNESS SOLUTIONS: We continue to have one of the last remaining sources of potassium iodidein North America. We have bottles being manufactured right now, over the weekend, in an FDA-approved, GMP manufacturing facility, and ready to ship out Monday for next-day delivery. This will all be sold out by Sunday night, probably. All orders placed today (Saturday) will go out Monday or Tuesday at the latest.Click here to get some of our potassium iodide.
We are also in the process of launching our new line of long-term storable superfoods, and although the website is still not finalized, we are ready to ship all the products listed there. for the product list, which includes chlorella, spirulina, Himalayan salt and other superfoods, all packed in steel cans and sealed for storage.
More news continues below on meditation, molasses as weedkiller, radiation prevention, how to cure cancer with a fever (fascinating!), and much more (see below)...
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Total information blackout on Fukushima Unit 4 reactor raises serious questions about truth of situation (NaturalNews) The status of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant's Unit 4 reactor is one of the most critical aspects in determining the severity of the impending nuclear meltdown. After all, the most recent temperature readings available showed that the... |
Its Getting Worse in Tokyo On March 15 Michi Okugawa wrote, "The situation in Tokyo is getting worse. The number of people who are panicking is increasing with more and more people trying to get out of Tokyo or out of the country. The nuclear plant explosion is having a large effect... |
Radiation Prevention (Opinion) There's lots of good stuff regarding radiation solutions on this website that are incredible. But there are some other things that need to be known. First of all, duct taping every opening in your home may be beneficial to some degree but remember... |
Earthquake predicted for California (NaturalNews) In case you have not had enough apocalyptic disaster scares and events this week, a geologist who predicted the 1989 Northern California earthquake has predicted another to occur next week between March 19 and 25th. Geologist Jim Berkland... |
Grounding yourself shown to provide health benefits Ever feel the urge to walk barefoot on the beach or feel the grass between your toes? As it turns out, this urge goes much deeper than simply feeling good. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that there is a significant electrical interaction... |
Natural molasses treatment works just as well as toxic methyl bromide at mitigating weeds and pests, says USDA (NaturalNews) For many decades, farmers have used methyl bromide, a highly-toxic fumigant, as an agricultural treatment to eliminate weeds, pests, and harmful pathogens. But now, scientists from the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agricultural Research... |
Discover the art of meditation and supercharge your mental abilities Results of ongoing research shed new light on the mechanisms of meditation. Recent studies now confirm that you don't have to be a monk to enjoy deep relaxation, increased attention span, better cognition and other health benefits meditation... |
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Japanese mayor urges evacuation after discovering government ignored, misled him and his people about true dangers of nuclear fallout (NaturalNews) Based on all available reports at this time, it appears that the Japanese government has been severely downplaying the very real radiation threat the Japanese people face in the wake of the 9.1 magnitude earthquake and massive tsunami that... |
Natural News Store acquires new supply of potassium iodide radiation pills, manufactured in USA, shipping out Monday, March 21 (NaturalNews) Even in the midst of global shortages of potassium iodide, the "radiation pills" that protect the thyroid gland from radiation poisoning, we have just managed to acquire a new supply of pharmaceutical-grade potassium iodide supplements.... |
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