未曾有の大震災、津波、原発放射線汚染という三重苦に見舞われて、日本での被災者の健康支援を目指して、この主旨に賛同される世界中の皆様の暖かい支援の心を結集し、文明の人災とも言うべき、放射線障害に立ち向かうことを目的とする。Unprecedented earthquake, tsunami hit triple trouble is that the primary radiation pollution, aims to support the health of victims in Japan, bringing together the hearts of everyone in the world is kind support agree with this idea, man-made civilization Also say, the purpose is to confront radiation injury.
Exposing the "unspeakable" realities of the Japanese catastrophe in this 60 Minutes program Sunday night during which leading nuclear scientist Dr. Michio Kaku said radiation from Fukushima will impact of all of humanity. The nuclear energy power industry violation of the right to health is apparent throughout the new Australian report.
"In fact the whole world will be exposed from the radiation from Fukushima," Dr. Kaku told reporter Liz Hayes.
At least one billion becquerels a day of radiation continue to leak from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant after the March earthquake and tsunami.
Experts say that the total amount of radiation leaked will exceed amounts released from Chernobyl, making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.
ⓒ Labor Now 2011/35mints/ labornow(at)jca.apc.org http://nonukesfukushima.blogspot.com/ 「フクシマ原発震災~被災者の声をたどる旅」の英語字幕版です。日本語版DVDは2000円+送料で販売しています。問い合わせはlabornow(at)jca.apc.orgまで[(at)を@ に置き換えて送信下さい]。
Director:Emiko Aono Interview:Katsuyasu Iida,Nobuko Ishida,Hirohiko Takasu Subtitles:Louis Carlet Three months after the disastrous earthquake,we interviewed in Fukushima. interviewees: Masuro Sugai,People's Research Institute on Energy and the Environment Hiroyuki Suzuki, general secretary of the Koriyama Chapter of the Fukushima Teachers Union Dr. Toshio Hirano, Director of Tokyo Occupational Safety and Health Center Kazuyoshi Sato, Iwaki City Council Member Former worker at Fukushima Dai-Ni Koshiro Ishimaru , Chair of Alliance of Anti-nuclear power Tomio Kokubun, Minami-Aizu Evacuee Committee
October 10, 2011 What Role Should Nuclear Energy and Natural Gas Extraction play in our Energy Future?
A Talk by Helen Caldicott
Helen Caldicott, MD, is the co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization of 23,000 doctors committed to educating their colleagues about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear war, Caldicott was named by The Smithsonian as one of the most influential women of the 20th century. She has authored seven books, including "Nuclear Power is Not the Answer" (2006) and "A Desperate Passion: An Autobiography" (1996). Her most recent book is the newly revised and updated "If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth" (2009).
Event Sponsors: Binghamton University Student Environmental Action Coalition, Binghamton University Environmental Studies Program, Sierra Club - Susquehanna Group, Broome County Peace Action, New York Residents Against Gas Drilling and helencaldicott.com
We talk to Steve Filipovic about the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Several nuclear reactors have 'melted down', they are out of control and emitting large amounts of radiation. This is perhaps the biggest single disaster we human beings have ever perpetrated on our planet, and all living things on earth are going to have to pay a heavy price for this corrupt stupidity. The Corporate owned politicians and the corporate owned media remain silent, the disaster is so immense they don't want us to even think about it, and they intend to keep this industry going because there is money to be made...
TEPCO did the dust sampling on November 5, and took this video from the boom of the crane. It shows the area where the spent fuel pool and the reactor are located.
You get to see the SFP's green water but all you see inside the pool in this video is mangled metal beams.
About 4 minutes past, the camera descends to an area covered with concrete debris. It finds what looks like a shiny metal pipe, and spend some time there.
For more coverage on Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident and radiation contamination in Japan, please visit my blogs: ex-skf.blogspot.com (English) ex-skf-jp.blogspot.com (Japanese)