未曾有の大震災、津波、原発放射線汚染という三重苦に見舞われて、日本での被災者の健康支援を目指して、この主旨に賛同される世界中の皆様の暖かい支援の心を結集し、文明の人災とも言うべき、放射線障害に立ち向かうことを目的とする。Unprecedented earthquake, tsunami hit triple trouble is that the primary radiation pollution, aims to support the health of victims in Japan, bringing together the hearts of everyone in the world is kind support agree with this idea, man-made civilization Also say, the purpose is to confront radiation injury.
Face to Face with the Fukushima Disaster
We talk to Steve Filipovic about the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Several nuclear reactors have 'melted down', they are out of control and emitting large amounts of radiation. This is perhaps the biggest single disaster we human beings have ever perpetrated on our planet, and all living things on earth are going to have to pay a heavy price for this corrupt stupidity. The Corporate owned politicians and the corporate owned media remain silent, the disaster is so immense they don't want us to even think about it, and they intend to keep this industry going because there is money to be made...
Thanks to "electrosyl" for the use of his footage from his video "24th August 2011 10h50 10500cpm Rain Toronto" © 2011 electrosyl
©2011 Lazarus Productions
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